Jonas and Dad paid Mom a visit at her work last weekend and Jonas seemed perfectly at home with the senior set. Turns out being older is pretty darn fun. For starters, they have the coolest walkers Jonas had ever seen...
...but even cooler was this thing called exercise. That's Jonas in the middle on the floor taking over the class with a maraca that he found. Safe to say that Jonas was the hit of the class.
Before he was Jonas, he was "Nub." The first ultrasound photo we ever saw of our child-to-be looked like we were raising a nub instead of a little person. And since we had to call him something before we got to meet him in person, a name was born. Nub eventually grew into Jonas, of course, but we'll always have the memory of his real first name. As he gradually grows, we invite you to follow along in our adventure, our excitement, our fears and our fun.
Jonas is getting up on his knees fairly often, but he's not quite ready to walk. When do you think he'll take his first steps?
Jonas has a new elephant-themed humidifier that is just begging for a name. What should we call him?
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