During their three months together at home, Mom and Jonas had developed a nice little routine during the day, filled with playing, walks around the neighborhood, eating and napping (for him at least). But Dad has thrown another daily ritual into the mix during his time off the last two weeks: A morning run to the local coffee place to help him regain some of the energy that a certain little guy tends to drain at, say, 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. As a nice bonus, we've run into one of Dad's former co-workers, Matt, and his son, Ray, thus forming a coffee crew to discuss the topics of the day, including the best hockey video games of all time. You know, important stuff. Mostly, Jonas is so excited that he sleeps through the whole thing, but yesterday he woke up to show encouraging signs that one day he, too, might enjoy a good cup of Joe.
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