Nearly every day, Niki and I are asked some variation of the question: Is Jonas sleeping through the night? Unfortunately, since the day he was born, we haven't been able to say yes to that one. But last night, we tried yet another little parental experiment that, at least for one night, paid enormous dividends. A few weeks ago, instead of a tight blanket swaddle, we tried putting the big guy into a "sleep sack" that allows him to kick around but still be confined to a cozy little sleep environment. He didn't like it, and let us know all about it. But last night, we thought we'd try again. The result: We put him to bed just before 9 p.m. and he didn't wake up until 5 a.m.! There once was a day when 5 a.m. seemed so early. But 5 a.m. is the new 10 a.m. for us, especially since Jonas normally is up at 1, or 2, or 3, or just about whenever. But for at least one glorious time, we can proudly say that Jonas officially slept through the night. And as you can see, even he had to celebrate when he finally woke up.
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