Time will tell how well we'll do when it comes to natural parenting skills, but it turns out that we are exceptional at one thing—nesting. All the books say that right around now, we should be going into somewhat of a "nesting" period where we assess the space we have and what we should be doing with it to prepare for Nub. This week, we took two big steps in that direction. Item one was to address our closet situation. We've got three small reach-in closets that I'm sure were all the rage in 1950 when they were built but that don't quite cut it by today's standard of necessary stuff, especially as we consider the stuff Nub will soon need. So this week, we had a "system" installed. And what a difference it makes. Niki thinks our closets now look like they are walk-ins. Or maybe she's still thinking of her dream closet. Nonetheless, it's a big improvement.
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