Well, the faithful readers of Nub in the Oven seemed to be onto something with our poll. Turns out, as the majority of people suspected, we are having a boy! Niki and I had a funny feeling ourselves that that's what we were going to have. But after the first doctor who examined Niki said that's what it was, and the second doctor came in to "concur," we knew for sure. Of course, they are quick to warn you in the same breath that you can't be 100 percent sure until you're actually holding your baby. But while we're pretty patient people, we can't wait that long, so we'll go ahead and start planning for our little guy now. We started discussing names on our drive into work this morning, but turns out the 405 Freeway between Long Beach and Los Angeles may not be the best place for inspiration. Crenshaw? Westchester? Inglewood? Ford Ranger? Kia? Goodyear? Marina del Rey? Definitely a work in progress...
What's wrong with Sir Sunkist El Segundo Gewirtz?